Giving Back
Goodwill Industries Of Denver

Stars & Stripes Homes, Inc. is a part of it. Giving Back.... We have always had the understanding that local businesses are only as healthy as the communities they support. Our managing of many homes in the Denver - Aurora Metro Area often provides unique access to abandoned furniture, household items, and used clothing left behind in homes that we manage. Often, donating these items to Goodwill Industries enable the items to be re-used and re-cycled which in turn supports those Goodwill Programs listed below to flourish and ultimately support our neighborhoods and local communities.

Over the years, Stars & Stripes Homes, Inc. Property Managers and Support Staff have donated thousands of dollars of items to Goodwill Industries...yes...even a few cars!
Goodwill works to build a better community, one person at a time. They have 4 major program areas serving more than 21,000 people in our community each year. As one of the leading charities in Colorado, Goodwill programs work in our own back yard to improve the quality of life for thousands of Denver residents each year. If you're researching charities in Colorado, please keep Goodwill in mind and review the programs below and see first hand how the good in the community gives us the power to do all that we do.
Denver Goodwill Program Highlights
- Provide career development programs to more than 18,000 teenagers annually
- Help more than 3,200 adults on government assistance get the training they need to get off welfare
- Provide meaningful employment for nearly 1,200 people throughout our community
- Provide work opportunities for the disabled
Major Program Areas
High school career development: Goodwill employs teachers in 30 Denver public high schools who provide much needed career development assistance to teenagers. The program helps teens formulate a career path of their choice and begin preparing for that career.
Adult job training & placement in Arapahoe and Fort Morgan Counties: Goodwill serves more than 3,200 adults annually through various programs that provide support for them and their families. This includes job training, job placement and financial assistance to help those in need get off of welfare and get back on their feet.
Work options for the disabled at Goodwill's locations throughout Denver: Goodwill hires disabled individuals to work on contract projects with various organizations. This includes light assembly, sorting and packing projects.
Retail work & recycling programs throughout our network of stores and donation centers: Goodwill's retail stores provide funding for the programs listed above while providing affordable used goods to our community. They also provide great employment opportunities for those with barriers to work, as 65% of our employees are disadvantaged and/or disabled.
Programs for disabled farmers and ranchers: Goodwill partners with Colorado State University USDA's Agrability grant to provide assistance to disabled farmers and ranchers throughout 25 counties.
Career Connection Centers: Free job search skills training and career development assistance Connection Centers.